Sunday, June 19, 2011

Michelle Phan look... YAY or NAY?

This is my first attempt at a Michelle Phan "lookalike". I know it's not great, but is this something you guys would want to see?

It was inspired by this tutorial that her sister-in-law, Promise Tamang-Phan made for her based on Michelle's signature look. (Michelle is on the right, Promise is on the left)

Let me know in the comments if you want to see a tutorial on an IMPROVED version of this look, and how you think I could improve it.

Thanks for reading this, I REALLY appreciate it :)

Claire xoxo


  1. Yay how you copied it but ''nay'' as a look @ stardoll.

  2. Cool thank you! I'll just recreate some of her make-up looks :)

  3. ehh to simple... i thought about doing this look and i didn't like my outcome..... i think that this loko is too simmple but maby it would look good with a super simple basic smokey eye... i say Nay but you should do her and promise's make up looks like i'm doing :P
